• Overweight

Most of the time, when people diet they focus solely on bringing down their weight, often at the detriment of their health. It’s gotten so bad that most people now assume that dieting will automatically make them feel unhealthy, weak and sick and as a result, many people don’t even bother to try. At our clinic, we emphasize that these crash diets are not what dieting is about, and teach patients how to lose weight in a healthy, non-painful way.

The first and foremost goal when losing weight is to be healthy: being healthy means a faster metabolism and better circulation, which is necessary for the effective use of calories. The problem with crash diets is that they send your body into what we call ‘starvation mode’. In this mode, it cuts down the number of calories it uses because it’s afraid that it won’t get enough later. When crash dieting, the goal is to cut the amount of calories so that your body uses its fat stores and you lose weight. However, because your body goes into starvation mode, you don’t actually use the fat—you cut the amount of calories that your body spends, and don’t lose anything at all.

Think of it this way: fat stores are like your body’s personal savings. Your body’s metabolism—or daily calorie usage—is like its budget and the food you consume is like its income. If you suddenly cut back severely on your food consumption, it sends your body into a panic just like you would if you suddenly lost your job. If you have doubt about your future income, you’re going to reduce your budget so that you don’t lose your savings, right? The body is the same way: if it’s suddenly worried about getting its next meal, it’s going to cut the number of calories it uses and try to save everything it can.

This leads to the many pitfalls we see in dieting. Because your body is cutting the number of calories it uses, you have less energy. You’re tired all the time, and your body is less equipped to fight off sickness. Exercise is suddenly out of the question, and within a few weeks you’ve caught a cold. Who wants to diet if that’s the outcome? As a result, many people don’t diet at all.

  • Characteristics of Healthy Weight Loss
    • 01 | Healthy habits lead to weight loss
    • Let’s think of doing important work. Under what conditions are we able to have the highest level of concentration and efficiency? The answer is when we’re not tired and have a lot of energy. Being well rested and having the energy to work makes us able to focus on a task and get it done efficiently and well. The same applies for your body. If it’s tired and has no energy, how can it be expected to do its job well? A tired body means poor metabolism (causing weight gain) and poor circulation, which causes a slew of other health problems. Just like how we need energy and sleep to work well in the office, our bodies need the proper maintenance in order to improve metabolism and circulation.
    • 02 | Without fatigue and under good conditions, losing weight is easy
    • When we work hard and are under a lot of stress, our body gets tired and becomes on edge. It starts craving sweets for quick energy and relaxation and controlling food intake becomes difficult. It is also loath to move and can become easily ‘irritated’–you’ll find it’s easier to hurt yourself, and to get sick. In our clinic, we help to improve your diet and give you exercise tips along with the prescription of herbal medicine. In doing so, we’re able to make sure your body never reaches this point.
    • 03 | Weight-loss can be maintained through proper diet and exercise
    • Crash dieting and extreme, 2 to 3 hour-a-day workouts, you can achieve quick weight loss. But this is almost always temporary because who can live that way their whole lives? Many people do this, are happy with the results and assume they can go back to their unhealthy lifestyle and maintain their weight… but this doesn’t happen. Instead, our clinic teaches you how to lose weight through a realistic exercise routine and diet which can be easily maintained by anyone, anywhere.
    • 04 | Herbal medicine means tailored treatment
    • Think about when you buy a suit. We don’t buy them ready-to-wear–instead, we get them fit and tailor them to our specifications because every body is different. Just like that, our clinic tailors our prescriptions to each individual patient, taking into consideration their unique physical characteristics, living conditions, stress level, and level of fatigue in order to get the maximum benefit for your body.